Enrico Bonavera

Enrico Bonavera is today the official Harlequin of the Piccolo Teatro in Milan.
Ferruccio Soleri’s “workshop” pupil, with a background in research theater – he collaborated with Eugenio Barba’s Odin Teatret – has been working as a prose actor and theater teacher for the past three decades.
In addition to the Piccolo Teatro di Milano – with which he has been from 1987 to 1990 and subsequently from 2000 to today interpreting the roles of Brighella and Arlecchino in the “mythical” Arlecchino servant of two masters, and with whom he has practically traveled all over the world.

All content and images are copyrighted to me if not differently specified.
Artwork are listed in shooting time order, newer to older.
Please click on each image on the following thumbnails to see the original artwork.


10 october, Teatro SACCO in Savona (Italy): “Il vino e suo figlio” (“The wine and his son”), with Enrico Bonavera, freely based on Mario Brelich’s©Il Navigatore del Diluvio” (“The Navigator of the Deluge”).
A digital copy of these artworks have been gifted to the Teatro SACCO Association and to Enrico Bonavera, and they will not be marketed.


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